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A MAZE. / Berlin 2020
22. April, 2020, 18:00 – 24. April, 2020, 13:30
60€ – 130€A MAZE. / BERLIN 2020: APRIL 22–25
The entire festival will take place at TBC
A MAZE. / Berlin is an international festival focusing on the arthouse games and playful media. For the day experience A MAZE. / Berlin invites globally spread and diverse experimental game and VR creators, digital artists, musicians and other playful creatives from around different countries who share in an inspriring 3 days programme of talks and workshops, idea market places and knowledge bazaar the art of video games making.
A MAZE. / Berlin also welcomes the general public, the art lovers and the cultural pirates to our evening – late night experience that includes live music, performances, a life-changing and mind-blowing interactive exhibition, of our medium of the 21st century.
A MAZE. invites professionals and creatives from diverse fields to share their vision and projects, exchange knowledge, play, connect, and collaborate. A MAZE. / Berlin represents and celebrates the new art movement, including arthouse games, artistic virtual reality, and playful media culture beyond the mainstream that defines its own reality.
Oh yeah #AMAZENOTDEAD because of you! Thank you for the amazing support of our Kickstarter. Our movement won’t stop!